About this Episode
So, people, what did we learn from Argentina? Anything? Apart from things we already knew like Marc Marquez intending to personally torture Boris all year by winning everything all the time, that Senna Agius is REALLY hard to find a decent nickname for or that Baby Jeebus must surely find a new home soon for his extraordinary talent. It's hard to say. And after you listen to this you will still be no closer to an answer. But on the up side, you will get to hear Borrie's poem, Friedo's horoscope and some fun new sound effects. So there's that. Of course, if you sign up for our Patreon Pit Crew your life will improve immeasurably (as will ours) because we will take the money you give us and use it to buy beer and other fun stuff. A true win/win. Enjoy.
Below you will find a list of our sponsors. We expect you to support them by buying stuff from them. This is a team game and we've done out part, time for you to do yours.