About the show

There have never been three more sophisticated, informed, or serious MotoGP commentators than those screaming bastards on Italian TV. Or those stuttering Pom pumpernickels who keep saying “penultimate” because its fancier than “second-last”. They’re pretty good at this MotoGP commentary stuff. And there’s a few Spanish commentators who are the top of their game.
We’re not them.

MotoPG on social media


  • Moto PG Ep 091: Put Some Lemon On This!

    March 29th, 2023  |  2 hrs 14 mins

    It's back bitches! And it's glorious. The gift that keeps on giving once again exceeded expectations to kick off 2023 and Freido, Tug and Boris are here to highlight all the highlights. From the new sprint race to the Captain bitching and Jack Miller flying, there was something for everyone at Portimao. Ep 91 has all the usual insight and analysis from the world of Moto GP and beyond plus there's Borrie's Poem, Rossi's Instructions and the new segment that's sure to be a hit, The Captain's letter. So go ahead and press play. You either will or won't regret it but either way we get to add your download to the invoice we send the sponsors. And at the end of the day, isn't that what it's all about?

  • Moto PG Ep 090: Boris Flies Solo

    February 15th, 2023  |  1 hr 9 mins

    It's not quite The Beatles breaking up but Boris flying solo with no Tug or Freido might be just as confronting. Sadly, though, that's where we find ourselves this week folks with both Tug and Freido indisposed leaving the Big Man unsupervised at the microphone. Thank God the Dirty Badger dropped in to break things up a bit. It's all about testing this week which, as Boris so eloquently notes, tells us everything and nothing about what to expect for 2023. It's a Moto PG with a difference so get it in your ears now. And if you don't like it shut up and keep it to yourself. We'll resume normal programming next episode.

  • Moto PG Ep 089: Pin The Gas On The Podcast

    January 17th, 2023  |  30 mins 11 secs

    Americans aren't like us. Well most of them, anyway. But some are a bit like us and we've found some in the world of Moto GP podcasting. As most of you already know the vast majority of Moto GP podcasts are rubbish. that's why you're here. But the lads at Pin The Gas are different. Because they're more like us. See? Try to keep up people. Anyway, they had Boris on their podcast as a guest awhile back so we're returning the favour in our summer sessions and introducing them to you. Sort of a 'you scratch our back and we'll scratch yours' arrangement. (Anybody who scratches Boris' back deserves a guest appearance. Braver men than us, that's for sure.) So press play and enjoy. We did.

  • Moto PG Ep 088: Simon Crafar. Enough Said

    January 10th, 2023  |  1 hr 31 mins

    When this podcast launched the simple concept (or 'business plan') was to capture the demented ramblings of three self appointed motorcycle racing experts and see if anybody thought they were funny. And to the amazement of many (including themselves), people did. And there was merriment and much laughter and mirth as our three loveable clowns brought their own brand of 'analysis' to the world of Moto GP and motorcycling more generally. But nobody's laughing any more because it turns out people are taking them seriously. And not just unhinged people who don't know any better but serious, knowledgeable people. People who are legitimate analysts and who actually do know what they're talking about. People like Simon Crafar. Yes, you read that right, Simon f*#*ing Crafar. THE Simon Crafar, from the TV. Right here on the Moto PG podcast. So get it in your ears. It's the most sensible thing you'll ever hear on this show.

  • Moto PG Ep 087: The Ginger Ninja Ready To Roll In 2023

    January 3rd, 2023  |  21 mins 32 secs

    Party's over bitches. Christmas is in the rear view mirror and it's 2023 so time to get back to work ahead of what's going to be another crazy season of racing and podcasting. We're kicking off the New Year by chatting with one of Australia's best racing prospects, the Ginger Ninja Joel Kelso, who also happens to be one of the sport's best interviews. Press play now to find out if Kelso really did organise Pedro Acosta's first root (and plenty of other stuff, too).

  • Moto PG Ep 086: Happy Merrynium

    December 27th, 2022  |  31 mins 46 secs

    Last week it was Whitney Houston but the inspiration for this week's episode comes from the late, great English comedian Sean Lock who coined the magnificent term 'Merrynium' to describe the week between Christmas and New Year. You know, that bit between two other bits that nobody's really sure what to do with? So to celebrate the 2022 Merrynium, we bring you Episode 4 of the Moto PG Summer Sessions. Today's guest is Nigel Harvey, a man everybody who loves motorcycles and motorcycling should want to know because Nigel is the Marketing Director of Aprilia, Moto Guzzi and Triumph Australia. That means Nigel has access to some of the most beautiful motorcycles on the planet and also explains why Boris loves him so much. Enjoy.

  • Moto PG Ep 085: We Believe That Children Are Our Future

    December 20th, 2022  |  35 mins 33 secs

    Like Whitney Houston, we here at MotoPG believe that children are our future. And that motorcycle riding is the Greatest Love of All. And so on this episode of Summer Sessions we meet some of those children that are our future, the Moto GP stars of tomorrow. Senna Agius and Luke Power are two young riders with the world at their feet. In fact, the only lapse in judgement either has shown to this point in their respective careers is to appear on this podcast. So enjoy it, because it may be the last mistake either of them make.

  • Moto PG Ep 084: The Man, The Myth, The Legend...The Ax

    December 13th, 2022  |  36 mins 45 secs

    There's a few words we throw around too freely in sport. Penultimate is one but legend is another. Genuine legends are few and far between but nobody in Australian motorcycle racing would dispute the fact that Wayne Maxwell is one of them. He's officially pulled the pin on his career but as you'll find out on this episode he's still got plenty to contribute.

  • Moto PG Ep 083: The Summer Sessions and FREE BEER!

    December 6th, 2022  |  54 mins 52 secs

    Just because there's no racing doesn't mean there's no Moto PG. Boris, Tug and Freido are nothing if not innovative so to keep you all entertained during the off season they came up with the brilliant idea of the Summer Sessions where they will interview guests, organise giveaways and try to dream up new ways of squeezing more money out of this hot mess. There will be poems, profanity and plenty of childish humour but to make sure you all listen there is also free beer. Yes, you read that right - FREE BEER. How, you ask? Well it's thanks to MASH Brewing but you'll just have to tune in to find out more (and don't pretend you weren't expecting that).

  • Moto PG Ep 082: Boris Of The Overflow

    November 9th, 2022  |  1 hr 46 mins

    Our intrepid trio aren't the types to look back. Lord knows, the carnage they would see if they did might just make them stop and think and stopping and thinking are NOT among their strengths. But the season is over and so there must be harsh judgement made with the benefit of hindsight and this is very much in their wheelhouse. Boris has a poem (that doesn't miss anyone) and The Captain, Rossi and George all weigh in with end of season thoughts. Freido has joined Twitter (and people think Elon Musk is the one who will ruin it), Tug has some predictions for 2023 and a plan has been hatched for a MotoPG Christmas party (the word 'plan' is doing A LOT of work here). So hit the play button and find out why four out of five people agree this is the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast On Earth.

  • Moto PG Ep 081: Like A Beaver Full Of Cheese

    October 26th, 2022  |  1 hr 24 mins

    'The art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.' None of these words from dictionary.com's definition of poetry relate in any way to what Boris delivers each episode. For that, you would need to add terms like tawdry, profane, puerile, defamatory and NSFW. Oh, and entertaining. As this week's effort - 'The Hot Girl Yogurt' - proves. It is as offensive as the title suggests and yet, somehow, the giant mad bastard makes it work. There's other stuff in this episode, too, but really, it's the poem that steals the show. Again. Get it in your ears, people. It won't make you a better person but it will make you laugh and ultimately, that's all we can really hope for isn't it?

  • Moto PG Ep 080: A Dingo Ate My Baby!

    October 20th, 2022  |  1 hr 36 mins

    Boris might be an imposing figure of a man but when it comes to motorcycles and the men who race them he much more resembles a 12-year-old girl at a boy band concert. And it's a beautiful thing. Fresh back from Phillip Island where the cult of Moto PG came into the light (with everyone from riders to officials pledging their love for the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast on Earth) Boris has news. And a poem. And a letter from George. And there is racing to talk about, too. Some of the best racing ever seen. Freido does an Australian accent and Tug tries to keep the whole thing on track. Of course, it's a disaster and a shambles. And glorious. And it's ready for you to liste. What are you waiting for?

  • Moto PG Ep 079: The Birth of F*#ky Boy

    October 5th, 2022  |  1 hr 39 mins

    You'd think three talentless bums who lucked their way into a successful podcast thanks to some extraordinary (and ongoing) work behind the scenes would be grateful for the help, wouldn't you? Especially when the figure of their fun is the person who writes the show notes? And yet here we are. But enough about the internal squabbling that is integral to what makes this the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast In The World. This week Simmo is back in the studio because apparently three listeners didn't hate him, Tug is back from Japan and busy not fixing his girlfriend's bike and Boris and Freido are...well...Boris and Freido. If you're new, welcome. If you're a regular, welcome back. But no matter which you are, hit the play button now.

  • Moto PG Ep 078: We're Like Godzilla With A Big Lizard Erection

    September 28th, 2022  |  1 hr 20 mins

    Tug is phoning it in this week (in every imaginable way) but it hasn't effected the quality of analysis at all, as you can probably tell from the title. None of that matters this week, though, because Jack Miller is a winner again and when that happens, 'the world seems a happier place', as Boris notes. That's just one inane observation among many as the boys break down happenings at Motegi, George's letter, Rossi's thoughts for the week and Borrie's poem plus some special announcements and heaps more on the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast In The World. Get it in your ears now.

  • Moto PG Ep 077: He Smells Of The Street

    September 21st, 2022  |  1 hr 36 mins

    Who could possibly be interested in three reprobates with microphones talking about a 'sport' that more resembles a soap opera for grown men than any serious competitive endeavour? Surely there isn't a market for that sort of thing? Well, dear listener, it turns out there is and this podcast is the proof. It's childish, it's politically incorrect, it's puerile and offensive. And thanks to you, it's popular. Regulars will know what Borrie's poem, George's letter, Rossi's email and Ropes and Shovels means. Newbies won't, but press the play button and you'll find out. Go on. We're waiting.

  • Moto PG Ep 076: Freido's Unstable erection

    September 7th, 2022  |  1 hr 46 mins

    Freido is in Misano with an unstable erection but he managed to get through most of the show before being prematurely ejected. Don't let the dodgy tech put you off, though, because Boris and Tug are in studio with a special guest (no, not Mat Mladin) and Ep 76 ticks all the usual boxes. Borrie's Poem is a highlight (of course) and George's letter might be his best yet plus there's a bonus 'Why Are You Too Tight To Be A Patreon Pit Crew Member' abusive phone call to listen in on. You just don't get this sort of politically incorrect, uninformed and nonsensical coverage of motorcycles and motorcycle racing anywhere else on then internet. So stop wasting your time (and ours) and get into it. Now.