About the show

There have never been three more sophisticated, informed, or serious MotoGP commentators than those screaming bastards on Italian TV. Or those stuttering Pom pumpernickels who keep saying “penultimate” because its fancier than “second-last”. They’re pretty good at this MotoGP commentary stuff. And there’s a few Spanish commentators who are the top of their game.
We’re not them.

MotoPG on social media


  • Moto PG Ep 027 - Like a Supermodel With Syphilis

    November 25th, 2020  |  1 hr 4 mins

    The season's over but we're not. Freido, Tugg and Boris put a bow on the craziest Moto GP year ever but don't despair - the boys aren't done for the year. In fact, in many ways they're just getting started. As Boris likes to say: "The season is over...

  • Moto PG Ep 026 - How Hot Is Mir's Mum?

    November 18th, 2020  |  1 hr 1 min

    There's just two spots left for our inaugural MOTOPG Live Podcast Tour to Walcha and Port Macquarie and chances are they'll be gone by the time you read this. So that means there's no time to waste: if you want to be a part of it text - DON'T CALL -...

  • Moto PG Ep 025 - You Won't See Daryl Beattie Wearing Thongs

    November 11th, 2020  |  1 hr 9 mins

    Don't call, text only. We'll repeat that once more for the dummies: Don't call, only text. Text who you ask? Our Tour opeator, that's who. On 0412 859 008. That's how you get the info to book place on our upcoming Live Podcast Tour to Walcha and...

  • Moto PG Ep 024 - Like a 1970's Orgy

    October 27th, 2020  |  1 hr 8 mins

    The plague is ripping through the Moto GP world which is a tragedy given the quality of racing this year. It was another brilliant finish this week and Freido, Tugg and Boris break down all the action with their unique take on all things racing....

  • Moto PG Ep 023 - The Rise Of The Undead

    October 21st, 2020  |  58 mins 53 secs

    What's going on with Alex Marquez? Will the plague strike down the whole travelling circus? Are the boys racist? All these questions and more answered in Episode 23 of the world's favourite MotoGP podcast. Don't worry about the 'racism' controversy of...

  • Moto PG Ep 022 - There Once Was A Man Called Dave

    October 14th, 2020  |  1 hr 1 min

    WTF is Dave? And why was he only called that once? All is revealed in episode 22 where we also learn Tugg is a racist (according to the Book of Faces) and Rossi has forgotten how to ride a motorbike. None of that really matters, though, because the...

  • Moto PG Ep - 021 - Death By Baguette!

    September 30th, 2020  |  1 hr 6 mins

    If you want to know what the title is about you'll just have to listen the show. So what are you waiting for? Heaps to talk about again this week but first: A reminder to get behind our newest sponsor Velocity Vehicle Care and their efforts to...

  • Moto PG Ep 020 - The Stiffy Is Buttered

    September 22nd, 2020  |  1 hr 6 mins

    If you want to know what the title is about you'll just have to listen the show. So what are you waiting for? Heaps to talk about again this week but first: A reminder to get behind our newest sponsor Velocity Vehicle Care and their efforts to...

  • MotoPG Ep 019 - The Musical Edition (and a new sponsor)

    September 16th, 2020  |  1 hr 1 min

    A big special welcome this week to our new sponsor Velocity Vehicle Care. They're doing good things for racing as well as supporting the show so make sure to buy some of their stuff. Ring 1300 990 074 and get some good shit for cleaning your bike...

  • Moto PG Ep 018 - Is Moto GP The Best thing to happen in 2020?

    August 28th, 2020  |  58 mins 49 secs

    It's the gift that keeps on giving and the boys are here to keep on taking. Boris, Tugg and Freido comb through the debris of another crazy weekend of racing then, thanks to our sponsors at Made In Germany, MOTO PG listeners have access to one of the...

  • Moto PG Ep 017 Vale Valentino (Almost)

    August 20th, 2020  |  1 hr 4 mins

    The racing in Austria was good, the handbag duels in the paddock  were better but the undisputed best thing in the motorcycle world right now is happening right here on MOTO PG. Thanks to our sponsors at Made In Germany, MOTO PG listeners have...

  • Moto PG Ep 016 - All Hail The Giraffe King

    August 12th, 2020  |  1 hr 55 secs

    South Africa has a new hero. The Giraffe King, Brad Binder, is the toast of the nation after claiming his first Moto GP title at Brno and Freido, Tug and Boris are here to tell you all about it. Newly appointed South African correspondent...

  • Moto PG Ep 015 - Boris Is Excited

    July 29th, 2020  |  59 mins 8 secs

    It would be fair to say Boris was a bit excited about the weekend's events with his hero Valentino Rossi posting his first podium finish in more than a year. Join Freido and Tuggs as they beam the big man in from the Valley of the Hunters to talk all...

  • Moto PG Ep 014 - WTF Did We Just See?

    July 22nd, 2020  |  1 hr 23 secs

    You couldn't have asked for more from the first Covid round. Boris, Tug and Freido review the return of Moto GP plus look ahead to race two this weekend. But more important than that is that you give them money so join the or if you're too tight for...

  • Moto PG Ep 013 - The Dirty Badger

    July 15th, 2020  |  47 mins 57 secs

    Meet our Asian correspondent

  • Moto PG Ep 012 - Racing is back, bitches!

    June 12th, 2020  |  54 mins 26 secs

    Life after lockdown